I suppose it's part of the reason why I've chosen to disable comments. I recognize that this, on the surface, is a fantastically narcissistic pursuit. I'm working on such seeming banalities as fitness and productivity and self-improvement, and I don't particularly expect or want a great deal of feedback - or advice - on how I'm doing. What I want is accountability, and, too, to be helpful, and to inspire. The words 'on the surface' and 'seeming' in the first sentences of this paragraph were there for a reason. In my heart of hearts, I believe that projects like these - projects in which individuals make a radical commitment to accepting themselves and living their own truths (I hate how trite this sounds) and to both recognize and grow their own essential values - are what make the greatest difference in the world.
In any case, I'm excited to see where this is going to end up. End up? With luck it won't. I'm excited about the process.
posted by Siona